…en los nidos de antaño no hay pajaros hogaño
This summer has been one of contemplating change and impermanence and I have collected many excellent quotes over the years. However, I recently came across this one again – it’s from Don Quixote, but I first heard it in the movie Twice Upon a Yesterday where the main characters learn a few things about change, impermanence and accepting the flow of life.
The essential translation into English is “things change”, but a closer, yet still poetic translation comes from the movie: “Don’t look for this year’s birds in last year’s nests.” The essential point is that everything changes – nothing stays the same. (In the nests of last year, there are no birds this year.)
It’s a great sentiment with which to make art, so I’ve been writing the text in a number of styles. It’s one of my favorite ways of working – to just write the text again and again and contemplating it. At the same time, I start painting or making backgrounds while considering the context of the quote. Eventually, I’ll put it all together and come up with ideas for art.